Sunday 9 June 2013

My first Elder's meeting: part 2

How was it for you?

Last week I reflected on how nervous I was about attending my first elder's meeting at City Church. Everything seemed to be happening all at once and no sooner had I been elected I was then attending my first meeting! Did I have anything to contribute? Did nerves get the better of me? Did I nod off half way through the Minister's updates? 

Let me share with you what happens at an Elder's meeting...

First of all, it wasn't dry in the slightest! It was actually rather fun. The right tone was set at the outset when one of the other elder's remembered there was some Christmas cake made by junior church that hadn't been touched. We were all offered a slice of Christmas cake and a cup of tea. Let me just say, someone had been very generous with the brandy! Perhaps that was why everyone was in such a jolly mood. I do hope the Minister takes note and supplies us with a *hic* brandy-soaked Christmas cake at every meeting! 

The meeting started on time and we went through the standard discussions of absences and minutes and actions from the previous meeting. Then we went on to the main part of the agenda. Everyone was delighted that City Church has finally been granted a licence to carry out Civil Partnerships on the premises (separate from any religious service, as the law states). This is great news for City Church. We have a strong presence in the local LGBT scene and many people from the LGBT community attend City Church. Now we can offer people a chance to have their civil partnership at a venue that has a long tradition of supporting LGBT people. I felt very proud to be part of City Church when I heard this splendid news.

Things then took a particularly thrilling turn with a scintillating discussion about planned refurbishments to the church toilets! I sat there hoping so very much that the Minister would whip out a u-bend or perhaps some porcelain samples. Sadly, that wasn't the case but I do hope at future meetings we get to make important decisions about the softness of the toilet tissue. For what it's worth, my preference is for double quilted!

Carry on at your City Church Convenience.

Personally, I found the best part of the meeting to be the discussion on pastoral care. Every elder has a pastoral list which consists of a group of City Church members. Elder's make themselves known to the people on the list and offer pastoral support if needed. 

The pastoral discussion was by no means a gossip about the lives of City Church members. It was an opportunity to consider in our prayers those in our church community who may be in need or going through a difficult time. It struck me that this was an incredibly important part of being a church community. We didn't discuss personal details but we were asked to remember certain people in our prayers or discuss practical ways that we as a church could offer support. It really was a humbling experience. 

I will most certainly make contact with members on my pastoral list and let them know that they can speak to me if they ever need to. Being there for one another - this is exactly what a church community is about!

I won't bore you with a review of all agenda items but I do hope I have given you a flavour of what goes on at an Elder's meeting. I really enjoyed it. There was a good natured feel and everyone is committed to serving City Church to the best of their abilities. We all care for City Church and want it be a successful city centre church. I suspect we are all very passionate people so I anticipate some meaty discussions at future meetings. At least, I hope so!

Feel free to ask me any questions about the meeting. Do comment or share this blog. I'd love to hear what you think about it.

With best wishes,
Matt the Elder

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